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AT THE MOVIES: 1952-1969


The images below are screen captures from the installation piece for large-scale projection. The video spans 18 years (1952-1969; kindergarten through college) via movie titles that begin to paint/stroke an abstraction conjuring up another title for the piece: "Title Stroke".







































This time period involves the movies Chambers can actually recall watching (at a theater or drive-in) with his parents, and friends - and alone:





























Chambers is an "only child", so most to all of his time was their (parents') time, particularly his mother's, and when they went to the movies, he tagged along - no babysitter. Consequently, many of the movies that he recalls are of the mature version. Historically speaking, many people of his age probably "traveled" a similar course with their movie viewing. So, "At the Movies: 1952-1969" is not only about his past, but possibly yours as well.

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